Our innovation combines 3D imagery and sophisticated algorithms to revolutionize bullet analysis. This prototype demonstrates how our methods can calculate the likelihood of the observed similarity if two bullets originated from the same firearm versus different firearms. It's a work in progress, evolving through feedback from diverse communities.
CSAFE Tools is a software suite of state-of-the-art statistical libraries designed to assist practitioners in analyzing forensic data. This work was developed in collaboration with the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE) at Iowa State University and Omni Analytics Group. These procedures are fully open-source and transparent. For more details on the underlying code, please see the GitHub repository for the companion R package.
This software is an implementation of a front-end to the bulletxtrctr R package.
This application will walk through the steps used to programmatically determine the probability that two bullets were fired from the same gun. During discharge, as a bullet travels out of the chamber, small micro-imperfections in the barrel leave striation marks on the surface of the bullet. These striation marks asre the basis for a comparative analysis: bullets that are fired through the same barrel share marks that make them generally more similar than bullets that are fired from different barrels.
Eric Hare, Heike Hofmann, Alicia Carriquiry. Algorithmic approaches to match degraded land impressions, Law, Probability and Risk, Volume 16, Issue 4, December 2017, Pages 203–221, https://doi.org/10.1093/lpr/mgx018
Eric Hare, Heike Hofmann and Alicia Carriquiry. Automatic Matching of Bullet Land Impressions, The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 11, Number 4, 2017, pp. 2332–56. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/26362188.